
gallery ISOLA 尾田木工



太陽が丘の入り口を左に登って医王山スポーツセンター方向にどんどん登っていくと着付け教室とカフェがあるその反対側にWood SHOPと描かれているサインがあって、手前の坂道をまたまた登っていくとシンプルでお洒落な建物があって坂道から目線で木製ストゥールがたくさん並んでいるのが見えてくる。振りかってみると金沢市内が一望できる最高のロケーション。ここにアトリエとギャラリーを構えるなんていいセンスしてる!
As you climb up the entrance of the solar hill to the left and climb as you step toward the Ouyama sports center, there is a dressing room and a cafe, on the other side there is a signature drawn as Wood SHOP and if you climb up the hill further down there is a simple and stylish building and you can see a lot of wooden stools lining up from the hill from the slope.This is the best location where you can see the city of Kanazawa. A good sense of having an atelier and a gallery here!


Isao Oda, who is a woodworking furniture writer and mainly produces order furniture, is the owner here.Mr. Oda got acquainted with me since the studio was built in this mountain, about 20 years old.
Sometimes I got acquainted when I came close, but I could not speak slowly while visiting this time, but it seems that he will be in Spain about a month from next week and I was glad to see him before that.
Mr. Oda’s furniture works, makes you feel the warmth of wood and even the fragrance of it, making use of each of the characteristics of the tree.
Each of the wooden stools exudes a personality that is not too strong either from a kind of gentle facial expression to a dignified feeling.
Although I could not take pictures in the atelier this time, the tools are also organized so that they are easy to use and easy to use Fleas of very different shape, I do not get tired of seeing it.



尾田さんは毎年1〜2ヶ月ほど海外生活をしている人で、日本にいる時は家具作家として働いて、奥様と海外で休暇をとっている欧米人に近いLife Styleを実践してる方なのです。なので作る作品やギャラリーなどの環境作り・考え方やセンスは国際的で英語を初め6カ国語ほど話せるという事で納得です。最近はスペインがお気に入りな様子です。なので、いつも海外でのLife Styleの事を聞かせてもらってます。
Mr. Oda is a person living overseas for about 1 to 2 months every year, which is close to Westerners who work as furniture writers and have vacation abroad with his wife when they are in Japan. So it is convincing that he can talk about six languages starting from English, international thinking and sense for making galleries etc. Recently Spain seems to be his favorite. So, I’m always being told about overseas lifestyle.



A simple gallery which renovated large containers and a handmade built hut, also cool without any problems. The artist’s commitment is included in the design of the building,so there is an unique atmosphere in the room which was constructed with DIY. Even though I do not stay in the atelier everyday, there are things I can not meet even if I go suddenly, but the location is one of my favorite scenarios so I go sometimes and watch.



ADDRESS / 〒920-1108石川県金沢市俵町
TEL 076-261-6621




アートディレクター / インテリアスタイリスト

Art Director / Interior Stylist

オカジマケンイチ Kenichi Okajima


Born in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture in 1970. Started working freelance from 1995. A comprehensive creator who handles a number of fields from plane to three dimensions and space such as graphic design, advertising art direction, creative direction, product development, architecture, commercial space & living space direction, event planning, display design, creator of objects using bamboo.

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